Member Stories: David Mollison

David has been FirePower member for close to 3 years now. Despite a long list of physical injuries and limitations, he's proof that with determination, precision coaching and time served, he can rebuild himself to a new level of athlete!

Our coaches often send each other our "brag list" to each other of the great progress they are seeing with clients. With approval from both, I'm very proud to share David's story, written by his coach and mentor, Annie Gordon. In addition to his 3 classes each week, David layers in 1 additional skill session with Annie to make specific improvements. And the results are amazing!


November 16, 2018:

Here’s David doing a handstand. David has no business doing a handstand. But since no one told him that, a year and a half ago he decided he should do one.

About two years ago David dislocated his shoulder in class, very casually walked out, had it popped back in and returned to the gym the next day. It was no big deal for him. His shoulders dislocated regularly. He had also had a broken back, broken feet, and currently walks around with rods and pins in his body to remind him of what sounds like a youth well lived!

When David asked to work towards higher-level gymnastics, I was terrified. I was unsure that his shoulders and back could handle it. I was also unsure if I could handle what would happen if they didn’t.

David worked slowly. Through tiny, boring, difficult, unrewarding movements, he showed up and worked and worked and worked. Then it paid off.

David is now doing handstands. He is also doing handstand push-ups! He can kip. I wasn’t sure his shoulders could even hang from the bar, and now he kips! He kips toes to bar and pull ups! Consecutively!

He put in the work. He is consistent and relentless, and he makes me incredibly proud.

Coach Annie

Andrea Savard

As owner of Reebok CrossFit FirePower, Andrea has been in athletics for over 25 years in high performance teams and coaching. With a background in corporate marketing from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, she has built RCFP to a world-class training facility with her husband George. Together they are raising twin kids and twin dogs in Milton, Ontario.
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